An old Sufi tale shares the story about a poor man who has borrowed money from a neighbour to buy a stallion. The next day his stallion has run away. The neighbour came and said, “That it is awful that you have lost your stallion”. The man responded “Good thing, bad thing. Who knows?”
The following day his stallion came back together with a few more horses. The neighbour came and said, “This is great that you have found three more horses”. The man responded “Good thing, bad thing. Who knows?”
A few weeks later the son of the man went on a horse ride and broke his arm. The neighbour came in and said, “That is awful that your son has broken his arm”. The man responded “Good thing, bad thing. Who knows?”
A few weeks later, the war started and the son of the man had to be drafted in the army. But because his arm was still not fully healed, he was allowed to stay home. The neighbour came and said, “This is great that your son stays home”. The man responded “Good thing, bad thing. Who knows?”
The story goes on and on… The truth is there is no such thing as good or bad things, for we do not know what door that situation could open next.
Observe how quickly you label things in your life. Hold the judgement. Tell yourself “Good thing, bad thing, who knows”.
This way of looking at life will help you to accept WHAT IS and to be at peace with your life. Acceptance of WHAT IS, is a way to open the door to infinite possibilities.
If you apply the timeless wisdom of Sufis in your life, I bet you too will surprise yourself with how much easier your life will become.
To your success in 2021!