High Five To Life Webinar

“High Five to Life” is a unique webinar that offers you the antidote for anxiety and fear.

Over the last 20 years, I have used this unique program to help over 14,000 clients overcome anxiety/fears and fall in love with their lives again.

I apply hypnosis, meditation, and visualisation to rapidly and permanently help you to rewire your brain.
I use neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality to transform your mindset into one of confidence, peace, and love.
I will guide you through powerful brain retraining exercises to change your old stress reaction, and change your life.

*Based on statistics of LCH clinic. Results may vary based on a variety of factors.

Program Snapshot

During five, 1.5 hour-long online sessions, I will teach you 5 simple, easy, and effective techniques that remove deep anxieties, allow the stillness within you and build confidence in yourself.

Dates: TBA

Fees: $250 + HST

I offer you the antidote for anxiety and fear.

  • Turn negative emotional triggers into your allies
  • Depart from the victim’s consciousness Learn to trust yourself
  • Go from knowing to believing, to embodying resilience and grit
  • Move from surviving to thriving
  • Be extraordinary, go beyond mediocracy

Give A high five to your Life!

Join the group of inspired Change-workers; transcend fear into confidence, uncertainty into possibility.

Everything is possible on the other side of the moment. This could be your moment. Your future is waiting for you to step into it. I am here to help.


Program Details:

Date: TBA

Fees: $250 + HST

You will receive the following:

  • 5 live sessions (1.5 hour per week)
  • Work book
  • Full video access
  • Full access and support of Facebook community


As a reward for trusting us and signing up early:

10 % Discount for my next Professional Hypnosis Training and Certification (in person or online), so that you can too start helping others to change their world with the spoken word that comes from the heart.

Book A Free Consultation

Ready to make a change? Our Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy sessions are available in-person and online via Skype/zoom. Call (905) 271-0695 or complete the form below to schedule a Free Consultation today!

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