Inspired by the work of Marci Shimanoff
“You can’t create miracles. They are gifts from the Divine. What you can do is to put yourself in the Miracle Zone…”
Marci Shimanoff
In the unpredictable world we now live in, just being nice is limiting. It is time to be great. It is time to grow from being nice to becoming great. It is imperative for us to step into Mastery, which requires you to see your own greatness first and to embody it, to become it, to live it, and to share it with the world.
The time we live in offers us exponential growth from the certainty of old into the uncertainty of new. From the limitations of old into the infiniteness of new. From working hard and creating your reality into receiving Miracles. It’s time to move into the Miracles zone.
There are a few Obstacles that are holding us from receiving Miracles:
Obstacle # 1: Holding on when It’s Time to Let Go
Often good is the enemy of great. In order to receive greatness, we need to let go of what was merely good enough, the comfortable and the limiting old within ourselves and in our lives.
Obstacle #2: Not thinking you’re Worthy of Miracles
This is why it is important to transition from being a nice person into becoming a great person. Being a nice person is about looking for people’s approval, love, likes…
Being worthy of receiving goodness in your life is about learning to accept and love yourself, rather then trying to be liked by others.
Obstacle #3: Being rigidly focused on manifesting your goals, rather than your Soul’s desires.
Great goals come from the greatest part of you, your Soul. When you are in aliment with your Soul desires rather than ego, you are free to dream big, receive big, and create big.
Obstacle #4: Setting up actions Goals, rather than Feelings Goals.
Actions come from feelings. You can’t act if you don’t feel like doing it. In order to change the form, we need to transform the formless substance, the feelings inside of us. Add Feeling goals into your Goal setting for 2021.
Wishing you unlimited success and infinite freedom to be your best self in 2021 and always.